
An occasionally-updated sample of my reporting, analysis, commentary and blog posts. Some articles are listed under multiple categories.

Some recent-ish favorites

The New York Times: Why Leftists Should Vote for Biden in Droves

The Nation: Bolivia’s remarkable socialist success story

Esquire: What Vice gets wrong about Dick Cheney’s politics

MSNBC: REI’s union-busting podcast shows how diversity programs can be abused

MSNBC: The Jan. 6 insurrection showcased how Trump used humor as a weapon

MSNBC: The case for a new kind of atheism

VICE: Beto’s Campaign Is Worse Than Pointless. It’s Destructive. 

My appearance on “The Daily” discussing my inadvertent foray into a “triple cancellation”

My viral Q&A with Anand Gopal for MSNBC: Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal could’ve gone so differently.

Some popular editions of my politics newsletter

Markle madness

The things we do and do not say (this is a piece in which I propose the term “disinterpretation”)

Why Democratic hand-wringing over riots in Kenosha throwing the election to Trump may be overblown.

What happened to Ta-Nehisi Coates?

Behind the collapse of Mic: a farewell to algorithms

Why progressive politicians should be going on Fox News

The Bernie Bro problem is a real one

Political analysis 

MSNBC: Rittenhouse’s verdict is both smaller and bigger than most people believe

The Intercept: Biden’s “Cabinet of Firsts” Betrays a Cynical Approach to Diversity

Pacific Standard: Bernie Sanders’ speech on democratic socialism was about reclaiming the concept of freedom for the left. 

The Guardian: A Bloomberg 2020 run would help the left – by failing spectacularly

Foreign policy and foreign affairs

I read Trump’s trade adviser’s anti-China book. It’s wilder than you can imagine.

I ate at North Korea’s state-run restaurant chain in China. It was weird.

The special ingredient that helps explain Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic war on Qatar

North Korea is more rational than you think

Rapid-fire news & news analysis

Trump’s message to the world at the UN: every country is on its own

Trump has pulled out of the TPP free trade deal

Bernie Sanders Raised $4,815 a Minute in the 18 Hours After New Hampshire

Donald Trump Jr.’s tour through India is staggeringly corrupt

Q&As with interesting people

Elizabeth Warren on Trump and her VP prospects

Robert Reich Explains Why Capitalism Is Broken and the Importance of Bernie Sanders

Cornel West Talks About Endorsing Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter and Donald Trump

“Another kick in the teeth”: a top economist on how trade with China helped elect Trump

Julian Castro on How the Obama Administration Got 50% of Homeless Veterans Off the Streets in 4 Years